“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:35
Siyazama is a Kloof Baptist Church initiative which started in 2006. Volunteer ladies from KBC have committed to teach handwork skills to ladies from disadvantaged and impoverished backgrounds as well as local domestic workers. The skills, which are taught, include sewing, beading, embroidery, card making, patchwork, and additionally time is also set aside for Bible teaching. The name for our group, “Siyazama” means “trying together.”
Zulu Bibles and tracts are purchased from the Bible Society and provided as new ladies join. Each unemployed lady is provided with money for their transport to attend Siyazama. The Quilter’s/Cross stitch/Crafter’s Group that meet at the church monthly and in the community, and individuals, from that group have been inspired by what is happening at Siyazama and have been providing a constant flow of fabric, patterns and sewing donations and finances.
Coffee Pot Plus is a KBC Seniors’ Ministry which caters mainly for the Kloof Rest Home residents and KBC seniors, but we welcome all seniors to join this time of fellowship. It is a morning of fun, love and laughter and enables the elderly with an opportunity to get out and be social. The morning provides free tea and eats, and a chance to wish happy birthday to those who have moved on a year. There is as a variety of entertainment such as local choirs, singers, bingo and quizzes which are enjoyed by all, along with the sharing of a devotion.