031 764 0574 office@kbc.org.za

Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 5:7


Franz and Brenda Bense have been members of Kloof Baptist church since 1989.

They entered full time ministry in 1994. Africa Outreach was birthed out of a call to rural churches in Africa, providing foundational and discipleship material and training. The work is centred on teaching the Bible as “One Story,” allowing the narrative of the Bible to inform rather than a systematic approach to theology. The aim is to equip pastors and leaders to use this method to develop their congregations and to establish a vibrant discipleship community within the local rural churches.

The material is available in 22 African languages including Arabic, Malagasy and Amharic.


The Neema Foundation is a non-profit organisation started by Kloof Baptist Church in 2011 and is an arm reaching out into the community.

The heart of the Neema Foundation is to bring hope through education to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it. 

Visit the Neema website for more information.
